Connect with FTP

Before resources can be installed, the FTP-Access must be set up:

After this has been set up, you can now connect and open the server folder:



After a resource has been downloaded, it is usually ZIP packed, it must now be unpacked (e.g. with 7Zip, WinRAR or WinZip)

After the resource has been unpacked, it should now contain a __resource.lua or fxmanifest.lua and script files / folder.

If this is not the case, they may be in a subfolder, usually with the same name.


Upload Resources

To install resources with WinSCP, they can be uploaded to the "resources" folder using drag & drop. It would be the same case with installing via FileZilla.

After this has been uploaded, the server.cfg must be opened in the server-data folder:

The entry for our resource, in this case "SexySpeedometer-FiveM-master", can now be added under the remaining start entries for resources:

Note: The name of the folder must be entered.

Then the server can be restarted, and the resource should appear in game!

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